IoT (Internet of Things)
The internet has become an essential part of our daily lives – we are reliant on internet-enabled devices to keep up to date with current affairs, to communicate with customers, suppliers, friends and family, to process bank transactions and to order our groceries.
Organizational operations rely heavily on information systems and very few activities can be completed without an interaction with technology. As fixed wireless connectivity enables us to store and transmit all technologies to form our connected world - the “Internet of Things” or “IoT”.
The IoT offers an exciting new array of services and functions which can facilitate day-to-day activities, reduce operating costs, improve customer-interactions, monitor our health and minimize the risk of industrial accidents.
IoT also poses a new set of practical and regulatory challenges:
- use of Big Data and analytics
- consumer rights and remedies
- ownership and protection of intellectual property rights
- customer consents under the scrutiny of new privacy laws
- data security vulnerabilities of connected devices
- connectivity, international standards and “Open” APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
- contractual arrangements and specifications
- liability and risk for failure of an “intelligent” device
- compliance with fixed and wireless equipment regulations
- import and export requirements.
Achieving IoT resilience
The omnipresence of our interconnectivity is rising and with that is the mounting pressure on speed, volume and a higher level of uncertainty posing risk on the cyber landscape. So what measures should businesses consider to keep safe, adaptable, and future proofed?
- smart devices will require strong, adaptable functionality
- mitigation against traditional threats
- policy making.
Our practice
Our multi-disciplinary team regularly advises various “Smarter Cities” programs, including congestion charging, traffic light sequencing, Wi-Fi concessions for transport, retail and residential purposes, and harnessing data analytics for future flood warning and defense.