Data centers
Keeping up with demand
As the demand for digital data grows, data centers support the city and digital economy industry wide, from media, financial services, mobile computing, social networking and internet access. The challenges facing data centers require a distinct combination of industry knowledge and local expertise.
Many countries have restrictions on whether data can be stored, transferred or accessed outside of their jurisdiction, with separate rules applying if it does. For example, data centers within the European Economic Area – and those on the “white list” of countries deemed to have adequate safeguards in place from the European Commission - prove increasingly attractive for European customers and those with similar laws. US operators may want to consider the new EU-US Privacy Shield, or have proactive solutions to customers concerned with such issues.
Case study
We advised Datacentred on the establishment of its operations to provide next generation data center and cloud computing services. In so doing, we have advised on network connectivity and service contracts with the likes of BT Openreach, Level 3, Peel and Zayo and have developed Datacentred’s contracts for the provision of co-location and cloud services which we are now helping Datacentred negotiate with new customers.