COP28 > Final negotiations
COP28: Final negotiations
11 December 2023
Day 12 of COP28 marked the initiation of the final negotiation phase, following two weeks of intense deliberations. Delegates experienced an extended period of uncertainty as they awaited developments, with a significant portion of discussions conducted behind closed doors.
In a concise plea during COP28's critical phase, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary, Simon Stiell, urged swift action for a new era benefitting both people and the planet. He said “the highest climate ambition means more jobs, stronger economies, stronger economic growth, less pollution, better health.”
Additionally, during the evening session, COP28 President Al Jaber stressed to participating parties that the "time for decisions is now." Drawing upon the positive atmosphere of the "Changemakers Majlis" on Sunday, December 10, he encouraged a renewed spirit of cooperation among the parties, urging collaborative efforts to maintain the attainable goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
However, reactions to the unveiled Global Stocktake (GST) draft in the late afternoon were rapid and forceful. Hopes for language advocating the phased reduction or elimination of fossil fuels were dashed. Instead, the text suggests various actions that parties "could" take, including:
- Imposing limitations on approving new and unabated coal power generation.
- Advancing the development of abatement and removal technologies.
- "Reducing" the consumption and production of fossil fuels with the objective of achieving net-zero emissions "by, before, or around 2050."
With the negotiations at COP28 drawing to a close, the outcome remains uncertain. The Global Stocktake (GST) draft has stirred significant reactions, with the final decisions yet to be reached. The fate of key proposals, including those addressing fossil fuel reduction and broader climate commitments, hangs in the balance. Stay tuned for further updates on the outcome of the final day of negotiations and the key takeaways from the last two weeks of COP28.
Other updates:
- Parties adopted a decision (FCCC/CP/2023/L.4) accepting Azerbaijan's offer to host COP29 in 2024 and Brazil's offer to host COP 30 in 2025.

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